martes, 22 de marzo de 2011



From 3 to 6 monthsAt this stage the movements begin to be deliberate, planned and coordinated. The baby takes the whole hand opening objects, although still not ready to crawl a major effort to move.
It is necessary to foster the relationship between sight and hearing, also must begin to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back.

With a scarf. Wrap the scarf and take it from both ends, you should move straight into the baby back and forth, encouraging him to grasp. As the grasp with both hands, you should move the scarf up and down, back and forth. This action promotes hand-eye coordination and muscle strength in his arms.

With the ball. Lay the baby face down on the ball, hold it firmly in the hip and rocking gently back and forth, another person should place a doll in front of him to encourage visual tracking. This activity helps your balance and give you strength in your torso and arms.

With the towel. Lay the baby down on the towel, your head should be close to the caregiver at the time, for a ride in a straight line and zig-zag. Exercise should be repeated, but now the baby should lie down, this time your head should stay away from the adult. This tour offers the baby experiences on direction and speed.

With the body. The baby is taken from the hands to perform the following moves: Stretch your arms out and attach them to the center, bend elbows and rotate it against the chest, stretching his arm over his head and extended to the other side, turn. Each of these movements should be repeated several times.

This training will provide the baby muscle strength and elasticity.


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