martes, 22 de marzo de 2011


It is important to know the different stages that children go to better understand dietary guidelines and nutritional requirements of the moment. In the preschool, which corresponds to the period of 3 to 6 years, the child has reached full maturity of the organs and systems involved in digestion, absorption and metabolism of nutrients. Is a time of slower growth and stable, in which children earn an average of 2 pounds of weight, and 5 to 6 cm. class, per year.

At this stage, children develop a great physical activity, which significantly increase energy expenditure, and therefore must adjust their caloric intake to the new reality. From the point of view of psychomotor development, the child has reached a level that allows proper handling of utensils used for meals, being able to use them to get food to the mouth.

One of the specific characteristics of that age is the rejection of new foods for fear of the unknown. This is a normal part of maturing in the learning of food, which should not be translated by the lack of appetite.
The preschooler can recognize and choose food as adults. Typically, the child tends to eat what is eating their parents and others accompanying him. They watch and imitate, even in food.
At school, the process is extended, and the child will acquire new habits due to external influence.
A healthy diet helps children grow and learn. It also helps prevent obesity and weight-related diseases such as diabetes. The following guidelines will help you give your child a nutritious diet:

Give five portions of fruit or vegetables per day
Choose healthy sources of protein such as lean meats, nuts and eggs
Serve whole grain breads and cereals because they are rich in fiber
Bake, broil or steam foods instead of frying
Limit fast food and junk food
Offer water and milk instead of sugary juices and soft drinks
Learn about the nutritional needs of their children. Some, such as iron and calcium, change as your child grows.


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