martes, 22 de marzo de 2011


School is called dyscalculia specific difficulties in the learning process of calculation, to be observed among the students of normal intelligence and no grade repeaters who normally attend primary school, but poorly performing one or more mathematical operations.

1.         Specific difficulties: that is, limited to a single subject: Mathematics.
2.         The learning process of the calculation: basic condition for the existence of school dyscalculia. Without learning, we can not speak properly of dyscalculia.
3.        Among the students of normal intelligence, all students who qualify as school discalculicos have an IQ over eighty-five.
4.        No grade repeaters: they wish to remove the students to repeat two or more times the same degree, have managed to finally overcome the difficulties.
5.        And normally attend primary school: pupils with classes of repeated absences, the teacher does not receive complete education, which may give rise to difficulties.
6.       Or perform poorly one or more mathematical operations: a single learning disorder, repeated and habitual, authorizing the teacher to discuss school dyscalculia.
It is a learning disorder that were not compromised intellectual, emotional and educational in its grounds and may have occasional demonstrations in the integration of numerical symbols in correspondence with the quantities in the conduct of operations and understanding arithmetic.

In dyscalculia observed difficulties with operational thinking, classification, correspondence, reversibility, sorting, seriation and inclusion.

 We consider the existence of three primary causes and a determinant in the occurrence of dyscalculia:

Cause linguistics. Late onset is common language in the history of school pupils with dyscalculia.
 Psychiatric causes. It is common to see students hiperemotivados, but settled the question of whether it was psychological states prior to the initiation of the learning process and the disorder was not always specific. The most of the time was due to difficulties in almost all subjects. In children with normal psyche, learning difficulties give rise to emotional changes.

Genetic causes. They appear often close relatives who stated in their children's learning difficulties in mathematics.

Cause  decisive. Mainly consists of problems of the functions of neurological maturation, immature or literacy problems. On these three circumstances, which originated the picture is a single factor determining a single cause: the cause of teaching.

  Dyscalculia came to describe a disorder caused by trauma calculation celebral. It was therefore a term of afasiologico markedly, which is far from the concept that the school usually handle.


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