martes, 22 de marzo de 2011


Problemas de conducta
For adults is not easy to face the bad behavior of children. Therefore, you Facemama has useful advice for dealing with children when these kind of situations.
Tantrums, tantrums and incorrect attitudes, are some typical difficult situations while on behavior problems that they have to meet the parents

How to handle children with behavior problems? Do not forget that each child is unique, so we must analyze the reasons why shows such behavior.
• Stay calm, be aware and consistent with the limits.
Both parents must do the same, as only one not delegating responsibilities and decision making in the other.
• Submit a hierarchy of authority according to the roles of each family member. That is, parents are not disavowed by their children or other members of the group.
Do not allow children to witness discussions between the parents themselves or family members from seeing inconsistencies.
• Remember that setting limits is to educate at the same time, give the child love, because that way you will have a more healthy and better adapted to their environments
Limits and punishments for childrenEducation is not an easy task, especially for new parents, who often wonder how far do the boundaries? So Garay advised to set rules should never forget that the love given to the child is very important to develop self-esteem and deal with frustration.

The type of punishment or rewards will depend on the characteristics of the child or handling capabilities with parents (eg the type of activities, toys and spaces).

Examples of what limits should be parents with their children:

Create rules in advance, explaining and establishing logical consequences. That is, stating what is expected of him and not fulfill it to make it clear that it is their own choice to be scolded and punished. An example of this is to tell the child: "This time we will look at 'x' hours, so you have two options if you work you can watch your TV, if not, decide that you will not see", also can be applied by letting the child make a choice activity.
Penalties-consequences should be of short duration.
Provide alternatives to achieve what you want.
Do not label the child. Point out the problem behavior.
Be firm, calm, not shout and do not despair.
It is important to the way limits are placed. For example, if ever spoken with orders and threats, she is saying while he did not believe he is capable.
Do not give lectures. Be clear.
Do not be repetitive, you need to see you act.
Be understanding, assess the feelings and needs. Remember that setting boundaries is not to say that we remove affection.
Define when a behavior is acceptable or not. It's good to be specific.
Be consistent.

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