miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011



Each child has a "genius" in himself numb. The adult is responsible for guiding their activities and consequently its development and destiny.
Refer to "genius" is not taken into account IQ obtained from an intelligence test. It referred to a much broader sense.
The word "genius" means "power or faculty of creation," "person who has that power," between some meanings.
In ancient times it was believed that everyone had a "personal genius" or a "guardian spirit was given them at birth and who ruled his destiny"
Every child has the potential to deliver the potential of their creative lives.
There is still no standardized test that can prove the veracity of the above. But the proof of this lies before us in every child we see.
Just look for the child to notice the vitality they have when they are involved in any activity that is of interest.
Watching noticed his ingenuity and excitement, for example, to see him learn to speak, and discover the grammatical rules and so we have before us his "linguistic genius."
The child when he says "I sabotage" has discovered a grammatical rule of verbs ending in "er" knows ...
Running "I run"
Take "I have"
Running "I run"
To know "I sabotage", but Spanish is a language that has irregular verbs, that the child does not know and hence the error
The child creates drawings, songs, view and puts motor skills, expressing its "natural genius"
Education generally puts his interest in learning problems of children and less stress dealing with a minority represented by those children considered "gifted"
It is critical warning and develop natural abilities and who are responsible for waking up early these capabilities are the parents, early educators. So it is also necessary to train parents in the ability to detect what are the interests of their children.

Characteristics of the creative person or brilliant.
There are several studies that explore the personality characteristics of creative individuals in different fields.
There are characteristics common to all creative individuals and they are.
· Range of interests.
· Confidence in themselves.
• the intuition.
· Assessment of themselves as creative.
Creative individuals tend to perceive a conclusion or take an action, without having to go explicitly arguing each step of the process. Feeling himself as creators is a motivational element of their work.
In the great creative people or there is a regular configuration of features or features not present in non-creative, these traits are causally related to the fact that an individual is creative and, therefore, is a genius psychological characteristic or set of features, typical of a person, and can not be measured as if it were an IQ
Scientific geniuses and artistic genius.
Beyond the above characteristics is known that there are critical differences between creative people in science and creative in the artistic field.
A characteristic of scientific geniuses is its flexibility, this is a no need to submit to rules, such as greater openness to diverse experiences. This opening provides an increased sensitivity to scientific problems. Another feature is its ability to measure the importance of the various problems that make the investigation.
The science operator knows where to put their efforts into research and know what to perceive the points where it would be possible to achieve some progress. Can you describe a problem where nobody sees it, no wasted effort in problems unsolvable or too easy problems whose resolution is without significant effect.
The characteristics of scientific genius is not common to all scientific creators, and that will depend on the problem being considered, the scientific environment and the individual himself
The importance of the sensitivity of scientific thinking has been pointed out by Einstein when he said that true scientific development is to formulate the right questions initially, rather than providing answers.
The scientific genius knows when to quit and when best to take another approach to the problems being treated. It is a skill that pays dividends now or in the future and should be at disposal to experience.
The characteristic of artistic genius is given by its ability to induce in the other feelings or emotions through his own work.
The creative art comes in line with the thinking of those who will come into contact with his work, this intuition in relation to the public perception of the artist's talent can touch a chord with people who admire his work.
Artistic creativity ranges, not all the work of an artist is a masterpiece. This means there is no proof of genius throughout his life.
The child begins to feel different very soon, do not feel comfortable with their age and while it feels good with older children, in most cases they feel isolated because they do not give you the opportunity to be with them .
Their behavior is characterized as intellectually brilliant and at the same time, voice, rebellious, hyperactive, funny and often uncontrollable.
Moreover, the child also feels different from their classmates, their interests are often different and therefore their games, and their conversations will soon become someone different, strange.
At the age of eight years can give opinions on the issues between adults, such as politics or philosophy.
Has interests that mark him as "different" from the class and often generate this be different rejection. He, too hard to accept the conduct "child" of his colleagues "
The general trend is the isolation in the classroom, learning is often overlooked.
Have good grades may be a conflict for them, because many times be "the class genius" is not the best thing that could happen, since it causes, envy, jealousy and anger of their sighted peers and teachers often it apart from the rest. What causes often begins to decline their school performance, not to feel superior and different.
Develop and grow with a good degree of self-esteem in an environment in which the child feels misunderstood in general is complicated, and therefore the emotional support, love and stability offered the adults around them is essential.
If detected early the child is gifted and he and his parents receive appropriate guidance by expert professionals, and if you also have the support and understanding of teachers, the school may be a place where the gifted child grows and enjoyment as any other child.
When the gifted child reaches adolescence the problems are typical of this age, lack of assertiveness, emotional instability, significant physical and psychological changes, together with a special background.
If during childhood often felt isolated, misunderstood by their environment, and in an atmosphere of rejection, adolescence can be a much more significant trauma for the rest of his fellow
The rebellion within the child usually prefers two types of classical behavior, the rebel with a cause, or the bookworm.
The REBEL WITH CAUSE can do anything for attention, leave school, leave home, becoming head of a boy band, painted his hair red, riding a rock band or gain 50 kilos.
In either case call attention to their rebellion, and for being against the rules. And it can be very aggressive in his speech to defend those who attack him.
While inside you feel alone, misunderstood, low self-esteem, outwardly give the image completely opposite.
The bookworm be isolated socially, took refuge in his books, studies, computer science, or some "issue" special and curious where you can experience in their own world without having to face the outside world.
Will have its own intellectual bubble that will live, and the rest of the world does not come into it because its capacity is less and not even worth trying.
Again feel alone, misunderstood, and possibly unhappy
Support in this phase of life is essential for gifted adolescents. It is when a large percentage directly leaves the studios, despite his high IQ, and when there are major family conflict, with desperate parents who do not know what to do with this guy as "smart" intellectually speaking, where development has failed their emotional and social intelligence
The problem recognition and appropriate help is the best way to overcome the normally and continue their training for the future, plus enjoy an adolescence in which relationships with peers and have a group of friends is paramount.
A child has the academic talent when he demonstrates outstanding skills for learning and an interest also notable for knowledge.
Gifted children have the following characteristics:

1. In the realm of cognitive
• Management of an extraordinary amount of information.
• Ability to process information quickly.
· Persistence and purpose-driven behavior
• A high level of abstract thinking
Flexibility of thought
· Acquisition of new languages ​​quickly

2. In the aspect of social interaction and emotions
· Sensitivity unusual in relation to the environment.
· Empathy and high levels of recognition on the expectations and wishes of others.
• Development early idealism and sense of justice.
Intense emotions ·

3. In the area of ​​the physical and sensitivity.
· Sensitivity to high light, sound, touch, smells and tastes.
· Asynchrony: unusual discrepancy between intellectual development on the one hand and other physical development.
• Many activities can be misdiagnosed as a psychological disorder.
• A tendency to avoid physical activities for intellectual activities.

4. In relation to unusual patterns of reasoning.
• Approximately creative in any area of ​​the environment.
· Understanding original.
· Curiosity.
· Sensitivity to the aesthetic qualities.
· Interest in the future.
Ability to predict.

For these features, consider that:
Not all children are talented.A gifted child is not necessarily present all the features are noted.The talent is manifested in different ways at different ages


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